About Me
Art and design has always been part of my life, I choose to study art and design at school achieving high grades consistently. With this background it came naturally to me that I would pursue this path into my chosen career. Being a highly creative person I enjoy all things that allow me to express myself, film captured all of these emotions in particular production design.
During my studies at university I followed my passion for production design and always took on this role when making short films as part of my education. Period films are my major interest, my main aim is that all my designs are accurate to the time that they are set in. The last film making experience that I was involved in as production designer, it was my job role to create a period piece set in the 1950’s. Research was my main tool, all of the set, props, costumes needed to be authentic.
As production designer it was my role to establish the visual "look" of the film, including the design and creation of sets, finding locations, establishing the colour scheme or palette for the film, and supervising the costumes, hairstyles, and makeup.
As I further my career into production design I will continue to build on the skills that I have already acquired, and always endeavour to create a credible, believable film.